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The Resurgence of Scientific Racism in Post-WWII Europe and America
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Chapters four through six of Angela Saini’s “Superior” provide a deep dive into the
resurgence of scientific racism in modern Europe and the United States. These chapters provide
crucial insights into the ways in which racist views that fell out of favor after WWII have been
repackaged and reintroduced into today’s intellectual and political discourse. Here, I rely on
these chapters to illustrate Saini’s point with three instances, carefully unpacking how old ideas
have been reworked to suit the modern world.
Example 1
Chapter 4, “Inside the Fold,” introduces us to Reginald Ruggles Gates, a renowned
player in the area of race research. What happened to Gates after World War II is emblematic
of the change in attitude toward racial studies in both society and academia (Saini, 2019).
Despite his prominence before the war, Gates saw his work diminish as a result of international
outrage over Nazi racial hygiene programs. Although openly racist studies fell out of favor,
their underlying philosophies persisted, as seen in this case. Instead, they remained, a …
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